How amazing that YOU are in the world! This is exactly what you want to say to your offspring and you want to wish him/her all the happiness and luck in the world for the future? Do you want to officially introduce your child to your family and friends and share your joy with everyone? A Children’s Welcome Ceremony can achieve all of this and much more.
It will be a relaxed celebration in a cozy atmosphere, without pressure and without constraints. Godparents can be appointed, a wonderful symbolic act can be carried out for the child and then everyone can celebrate in the circle of all loved ones. What could be better than to be welcomed so lovingly in the world?
I am particularly happy about multicultural celebrations. I lived in Finland and Greece for a short time and in my earlier professions I had a lot of contact with people from all over the world. That’s why I have a lot of fun holding conversations and ceremonies in English or bilingual (English / German).
Good deed:
With your booking you are doing a good deed. I donate 50 € per Children’s Welcome Ceremony to the Thomas-Wiser-Haus in Regenstauf. There are, among other things, curative educational and therapeutic residential groups for children and teenager. Here you can find out more about this great facility from my hometown.
My Children's Welcome Ceremonies are:
happy, but not silly
solemnly in the right places
Audio samples
Press PLAY and hear my voice!
This is what a Children’s Welcome Ceremony could sound like. There is one audio sample in English and one in German.
If you would rather hear me talking on the phone or meet me live, just contact me for a non-binding talk!
My services:
Non-binding and free of charge initial consultation (by phone or virtual) ∗ Another personal conversation with you (and the siblings of the child / the godparents) ∗ Ideas and advice for the ceremony, such as integrating the godparents, a symbolic act and much more ∗ Writing a unique speech tailored just for you and your child ∗ Contact person for questions during the planning period of the welcome party ∗ Carrying out the ceremony
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